HASTINGS, Neb. (AP) – Officials say no one was seriously injured
when Amtrak’s eastbound California Zephyr hit an irrigation system
that moved on the tracks in southeast Nebraska.
The Hastings Tribune says the train hit a
center pivot Monday morning just west of Exeter.
Fillmore County Emergency Manager Donna Mainwaring describes it
as a “minor traffic accident.” She says she doesn’t know why the
irrigation system moved from a field and crossed the tracks.
Amtrak spokesman Marc Magliari says the train, which travels
between San Francisco and Chicago, had two locomotives and 10 cars.
He says the locomotives were damaged.
Magliari says no serious injuries were reported among the 247
passengers and crew, but two engineers in the lead locomotive were
treated and released from a local hospital.
Amtrak hits irrigation system in Nebraska