OMAHA, Neb. (AP) – A Lexington rendering plant faces a federal lawsuit over water sent to the city’s treatment plant. The lawsuit says STABL Inc., formerly operating as Nebraska
By-Products Inc., exceeded the allowable limits for chemicals in water sent to the treatment plant on dozens of occasions between 2006 and 2010. That contributed to violations at the city plant regarding the amount of pollutants in discharged into Dawson County Drainage Ditch (hash)1, Spring Creek and the Platte River. A message left by The Associated Press for STABL’s owner, Irving, Texas-based Darling International Inc., wasn’t returned. The lawsuit was filed Wednesday on behalf of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the Nebraska Department of Environmental Quality. It says STABL could be fined $32,500 to $37,500 for each time it exceeded the chemical limits.