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Air Force discharging sergeant who doubts Obama

Daryn Moran

OMAHA, Neb. (AP) – The Air Force is discharging a Nebraska man who refused to report to duty in Germany  earlier this month because he doubts President Barack Obama’s citizenship.
Staff Sgt. Daryn Moran became a hero of the so-called birther movement by sharing his views on websites of groups that believe Obama is not eligible to serve as president. However, other things contributed to the 41-year-old Moran’s discharge, including comments he made about Obama’s decision to allow gays to serve openly in the military. Moran says he’s receiving an honorable discharge, but the Air Force on Wednesday
would confirm only that he’s being discharged. Obama released a copy of his detailed birth certificate from Hawaii in April. But many birthers contend the document must be a fake.

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