GERING, Neb. (AP) – An 18-year-old Gering woman has been found guilty of child abuse for helping children she was supervising in an after-school program “huff” intoxicating fumes from cleaning products and other sources. Scottsbluff radio station KNEB reports that Jessica McDaniel was convicted Wednesday in Scotts Bluff County Court of two counts of aiding and abetting inhaling an intoxicant and two counts of misdemeanor child abuse. Court records say McDaniel was supervising children at an after-school program at Westmoor Elementary School on Feb. 23 when she inhaled from empty whipped cream cans and from a can used to clean electronics. Prosecutors say McDaniel was also helped two children inhale from the cans. She is set to be sentenced Nov. 16 on the misdemeanor counts.
Nebraska woman convicted in school huffing case