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Random musings from Geno Verdez


I’ve been sitting back and surveying the city of North Platte for the last several months since the release of my book, “Welcome To Nebraska.” At first, I wondered if it was wise to dig up dirt on a town I know oh so well, and how it would be received. In honesty, I have come to realize that most of those who have read it are not surprised by its contents. In fact, more than one review would indicate that the reader could identify with one or more of the characters. Good. That was the intent. But it is a world that most are not completely accustomed to; at least not from a first-hand perspective.

Lately as I watch, and wait, and gather….I find that there are more than enough juicy tidbits in the news that would certainly add fuel to a creative fire. But alas, when the population is being exposed to children locked in dog kennels, perp after perp getting busted for sexually assaulting kids, and the meth use that is too widespread to ignore, I realize that I would have to strive for a ridiculous level to shock anyone around here anymore.

That’s not to say that I write for shock value; I write for release. I write to chase away the demons. Or, at least channel them…

Let me make one thing clear, there are a tremendous number of very good people in this area. And there are quite a few bad. Same story- thousands and thousands of towns and cities across America; the world. Varying degrees of drama, crime, freedom and chaos.

We’re just chillin’ here on our chunk of the rock. Make the most of it. Make your mark.

Love each other. Don’t molest children. And try to stay out of jail.

Until then-
Geno Verdez


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