After spending all of your hard earned money on Chinese made gifts for your family, big corporations still want more. Luckily, we have Cyber Monday. Since you don’t have to physically fight to get your gifts this time, relax and think about where you’re are buying your products online today. Keep in mind that items made elsewhere are not benefitting the United States. It should be illegal for these major companies to send all of our jobs over seas to avoid American taxes but yet they still want American dollars. Also keep in mind that the countries you buy from don’t all have Human Rights Laws in place so they could have been made by children in sweatshops. Most Americans brought in less money this year yet these stores saw higher sales compared to the year before. Someone is doing their job right. They got Americans to buy more of their crap with money we didn’t even have. U.S.A.!! U.S.A.!! We are the best at helping China and every other country but our own!!
Occupy North Platte –