(Lincoln, Neb.)- In an effort to reduce the number of serious injury and fatality crashes during the heavily traveled summer months, the Nebraska State Patrol (NSP) will kick-off its “100 Days of Summer” initiative starting with the Memorial Day Holiday weekend.
In its fifth year, the “100 Days of Summer” initiative provides motorists an opportunity to view planned NSP enforcement activities. Each day, beginning with the Memorial Day weekend and continuing through Labor Day, the NSP Field Services Division will work to hold at least one traffic safety enforcement operation somewhere in the state.
“It’s all about voluntary compliance with motor vehicle laws,” said Colonel David Sankey, Superintendent of the Nebraska State Patrol. “Through this initiative we are encouraging motorists to partner with us in saving lives by obeying the rules of the road which are designed to keep them safe.”
Motorists are reminded to wear their seat belts, obey the posted speed limit and to never drive impaired or distracted.
Travelers can visit the Nebraska State Patrol website at www.statepatrol.nebraska.gov and click on “NSP Enforcement Activities” in the Quick Links box on the upper right hand side of the home page. The link will display monthly calendars, with each day listing the type and location of the planned special enforcement efforts.