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This Only Happens Once Every 105 Years..No Big Deal

(North Platte Post)- Today June 5th 2012 marks a special day for astronomy fanatics and researchers..and pretty much anyone alive right now!

Today Earth will have the ever so rare opportunity to see Venus transverse the sun! In other words the planet Venus will be making a “mini” eclipse that everyone all over Earth and the 7 Continents will be able to witness.

The reason you may hear so much about this event is beach this kind of thing only freaking happens once every so….105 year. No big deal right? The next time this will happen is in the year 2117 so lets catch this one!

The Venus Transverse has only been seen (to human knowledge) six times in history, so today adding another score to the list is actually a pretty big deal.

In the past researchers used this Venus Transverse to measure the size of the s

olar system.


Now before you decided to open up that recliner on the lawn with a bucket of pop corn  and gaze into that big bright ball of light, there is an easier way to track this amazing event! You can download the Venus Transit App for your smart phone! It will display real time picture and visual so you can continue to use the retinas you were born with!

All the astronomical fun will be visible between 4:30 to 9pm.

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