A young kitten must have done something pretty bad like start a fight, or get caught with the wrong person because the little kitty totally wanted out.
Statcey Pulsifer was driving home from a wedding making a few stops here and there. During one for coffee at a McDonalds stop she heard a little meow coming from her Jeep.
Pulsifer drove a total of 100 miles during that day. Once she returned to her apartment she decided to look for the source of the meows she noticed.
She confirmed the meowing and called some friends over for help. The girls apparently ripped the vehicle apart looking in and around the Jeep for the sounds, all while still wearing beautiful dresses from the wedding earlier in the day.
Eventually they found a very frightened 6 week old kitten wedged between the bumper unable to move. Naturally Pulsifer began franticly crying because she loves cats. Eventually they cut the cat free.
Pulsifer thinks she drove over all the pot holes and speed bumps you could imagine on I-87 for about 22 hours total.
Here’s a map to grasp an idea.
The kitty broke her paw while being stuck and had its face just inches to the road the whole time. That had to have been….ruff…