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NE Lawmakers Begin Discussing Medicaid Expansion

ne-legislature-13Nebraska lawmakers began debating a proposal to expand Medicaid as part of the federal health care law.

Sen. Kathy Campbell introduced the bill with added cost safeguards on Tuesday.

Campbell proposed an amendment that would require lawmakers to reevaluate Medicaid expansion when the federal government reduces or drops funding. Lawmakers would also have to reauthorize the program in 2020.

The federal government has agreed to fully fund the cost for newly insured Medicaid recipients from 2014 to 2016. Federal aid would decrease to 90 percent by 2020.

Deciding whether to expand Medicaid to at least 54,000 Nebraskans is expected to be a contentious debate this session.

Lawmakers aren’t sure they can muster the 30 votes they need to override Gov. Dave Heineman’s veto.

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