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NE Parks to Host Competitive Nature Hunt

great-nature-huntNebraska parks will soon kick off a summer competitive nature hunt.

Registration for the Nebraska’s Great Park Pursuit has opened.

The challenge is to go as many as 20 different local, state or federal Nebraska parks to search for natural impressions. The parks are located throughout Nebraska. The pursuit goes from May 1 and September 16. The event started to encourage healthy outdoor lifestyles and increases awareness of recreational opportunities.

Participants can register as a group or individual and print park maps online.

Groups follow clues at each park to locate a post, where they make a tracing of a nature impression. Participants are supposed to mail collected impressions to the event organizers.

Prizes are available. The more parks visited increases a group’s chance of winning.

For more information and park locations visit http://www.negpp.org/locations/.

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