LINCOLN – The Nebraska Game and Parks Commissioners will consider a bonus point system for general bull elk permits when they meet Jan. 17 in Lincoln.
If passed, the system would give people who have applied for a bull elk permit and been unsuccessful one or more years a better chance of drawing a permit. Beginning in 2014, a person would receive a bonus point each time he or she applies for but does not receive a permit. In subsequent years, applicants would get an additional entry into the draw for each bonus point accrued. Landowner permits would be excluded from this system.
The meeting is at 8 a.m. in the third-floor conference room of Game and Parks headquarters, 2200 N. 33rd St.
Also on the agenda are recommendations to:
— name the new education complex at Boosalis Park in Lincoln the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission Outdoor Education Center;
— create a Commission order for rules regarding season dates, bag limits, hunting zones and conservation orders for coots, ducks, geese and crow;
— amend regulations to allow Game and Parks to manage foot access on wildlife management areas;
— amend camping and rental fees at state parks, recreation areas and historical parks;
— approve and adopt the Fort Robinson Management Plan; and
— approve four outdoor trail projects for federal funding through the Recreational Trails Program.