(AP) — Pheasants Forever and the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission have scheduled training workshops on prescribed burns.
The workshops cover fire behavior, proper equipment, safety techniques and planning to minimize risk.
The workshop schedule:
— Jan. 21 in Chadron at the Upper White Natural Resources District office.
— Jan. 22 in Grand Island at the UNL Extension Office.
— Jan. 23 in North Platte at Mid-Plains Community College North Campus.
— Jan. 23 in Lincoln at the UNL Extension Office.
— Jan. 30 in Sidney at the South Platte NRD office.
— March 19 in Wayne at the Wayne State College Student Center.
They run 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
The workshop fee is $10. Call 308-850-8395 or visit NebraskaPF.com for more information.