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Neb. E-Cig Retailers Endorse Ban for Minors

ecigarette(AP) — Nebraska retailers who specialize in e-cigarettes are supporting a bill that would ban minors from using their products.

The bill drew support Monday from store owners in Omaha and Lincoln and the Nebraska Grocery Industry Association.

Tim Bowen, the owner of Plumes, an Omaha e-cigarette store, says e-cigarettes helped him beat his addiction to cigarettes. Bowen says his store already prohibits sales to minors, but his clerks catch about four a week trying to buy products.

David Holmquist of the American Cancer Society’s Cancer Action Network says research has yet to show whether e-cigarettes pose health risks. Holmquist also raised concerns that e-cigarettes could reverse years of work by advocates to make cigarettes socially unappealing.

E-cigarettes heat liquid and nicotine into a flavored, smokeless vapor.

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