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‘Construction Connection’ to Benefit NP Homeless Shelter

construction connectionThe Connection Homeless Shelter in North Platte is expanding and making improvements thanks to the support of the community.

With their new Thrift Connection location at 5th and Walnut up and running, the former location at 6th and Walnut was left empty.

Connection Executive Director, Neal Criddle, saw an opportunity that would increase funding for the Connection and provide a needed service to the community, which led to the creation of The Construction Connection.

The Construction Connection sells slightly-used, discontinued or unneeded remodeling materials that are still in good, useable condition.

“Sales are coming in for the few items that have been donated, but the potential is huge with the help of the community,” said Connection Board member Olivia Brown.

The Board of Directors is asking residents to donate unused wood, hardware, faucets, cupboards, tile or any items that could be used to remodel or upgrade a home.

Brown said the Board is planning to hold grand opening sometime in April.

The Construction Connection is open Monday-Thursday from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.

In addition to the Construction Connection, the shelter was also recently able to upgrade some of their computer equipment.

Thanks to a grant and donations, officials say they were able to upgrade one computer in the classroom that is used by residents to search for jobs, write resumes and stay in contact with friends and family.

They also purchased a new computer for the front office that will allow for better, more accurate record keeping.

If you are interested in supporting the mission of the Connection, contact the shelter at 308-532-5050.



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