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Omaha Bar Owners Accused of Offering Prostitution

dept.-of-justice(AP) — Three owners of a former exotic dance bar in downtown Omaha have been accused of using the business to offer prostitution services.

A grand jury on Friday indicted 66-year-old Louis A. Venditte, his wife, 65-year-old Ruby Venditte, and 64-year-old John W. Wagstaffe on prostitution and conspiracy charges. Court records do not list attorneys.

The indictment says women working the stage at Goodfellas were encouraged by the Vendittes to engage in sex acts for extra cash. The Vendittes are accused of accepting payments from customers seeking sex.

The Vendittes and Wagstaffe are also accused of not reporting their incomes for several years.

Law enforcement raided the bar while serving a search warrant last year. It has since closed.

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