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Nebraska Governor Candidate Bios

By the Associated Press

Name: Jon Bruning

Age: 44 (TURNS 45 ON WEDNESDAY. DOB is 4/30/69)

Home: Lincoln

Political Party: Republican

Occupation: Attorney general

Public offices held: Attorney general, state senator

Education: B.A. and law degree, University of Nebraska-Lincoln

Family: Wife, Deonne; two children.

Faith: United Methodist

Website: http://www.jonbruning.com/

Name: Tom Carlson

Age: 72

Home: Holdrege

Political Party: Republican

Occupation: Nebraska state senator, retired financial adviser

Public offices held: State senator

Education: B.S., M.S., University of Northern Colorado; PhD, University of Iowa

Family: Wife, Margo; three children

Faith: Evangelical

Website: http://tomcarlsonforgovernor.com/

Name: Mike Foley

Age: 60

Home: Lincoln

Political Party: Republican

Occupation: State auditor

Public offices held: State auditor; Nebraska state senator

Education: B.S., State University of New York at Brockport; MBA, Michigan State University

Family: Wife, Susan; six children

Faith: Catholic

Website: http://www.mikefoleyforgovernor.com/

Name: Beau McCoy

Age: 33

Home: Omaha

Political Party: Republican

Occupation: Nebraska state senator, owner of home-roofing business

Public offices held: State senator

Education: B.A., Bellevue University

Family: Wife, Shauna; five children

Faith: Baptist

Website: http://www.beauforgovernor.com/

Name: Pete Ricketts

Age: 49

Home: Omaha

Political Party: Republican

Occupation: Angel investor, part-owner of Chicago Cubs baseball team, former TD Ameritrade executive

Public offices held: None

Education: B.S., M.B.A., University of Chicago

Family: Married; three children

Faith: Catholic

Website: http://petericketts.com

Name: Bryan Slone

Age: 56

Home: Omaha

Political Party: Republican

Occupation: Former tax attorney, CPA

Public offices held: None

Education: B.S., law degree, University of Nebraska

Family: Wife, Leslie; two children

Faith: Methodist

Website: http://sloneforgovernor.com/

Name: Chuck Hassebrook

Age: 59

Home: Lyons

Political Party: Democrat

Occupation: Former director, Center for Rural Affairs

Public offices held: University of Nebraska regent

Education: Bachelor’s Degree, University of Nebraska-Lincoln

Family: Wife, Kate; two children

Faith: Lutheran

Website: http://www.chuckhassebrook.com/

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