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NPPD Reminds Drivers to Pay Attention to Pedestrians, Especially Children

north_platte_patchBy Rodney Brown, NPPD Public Information Officer

The North Platte Police Department would like to remind drivers to pay attention to pedestrians, especially children waiting to cross streets before and after school.  The Police continue to receive complaints of motorist failing to yield to the right of way of pedestrians waiting to cross.  All drivers need to recognize the special safety needs of pedestrians, especially those younger children, who are the least predictable and hardest to see.

Generally, pedestrians have the right-of-way at all intersections; however, regardless of the rules of the road or right-of-way, you as a driver are obligated to exercise care and caution and STOP.  It is at crosswalks that drivers need to be particularly attentive whether or not it is crosswalk with controlled lights, painted lines or simply a corner to corner.  Crosswalks are defined as follows:

(1) That part of a roadway at an intersection included within the connections of the lateral lines of the sidewalks on opposite sides of such roadway measured from the curbs or, in the absence of curbs, from the edge of the roadway; or  

(2) Any portion of a roadway at an intersection or elsewhere distinctly designated by competent authority and marked for pedestrian crossing by lines, signs, or other devices.  


  • Drivers should not block the crosswalk when stopped at a red light or waiting to make a turn. Do not stop with a portion of your vehicle over the crosswalk.  Blocking the crosswalk forces pedestrians to go around your vehicle and puts them in a dangerous situation.
  • Always stop when directed to do so by a school patrol sign, school patrol officer or designated crossing guard.
  • Come to a complete stop prior to the crosswalk.
  • This is at any crossing not just those near or around schools.

Safety is also a responsibility of parents and guardians.  Children imitate their parents and model their behavior so you need to tell them and show them how to be safe pedestrians.

  • Always cross at marked crosswalks and try avoiding running across the roadway.
  • Obey any pedestrian signals and look left right left. By doing this you insure that the road is clear in both directions before crossing.
  • If a vehicle approaches, attempt to make eye contact with the driver to be sure they see you before you cross.
  • Look before walking past stopped vehicles. Do not cross just because a driver waves you on. Be sure all lanes are clear first.
  • Choose the safest route and walk it with your children. Look for the most direct route with the fewest street crossings. Try to choose routes where school safety patrols will be present. Children under age 10 should walk with an adult or older child every day because they do not have the necessary skills to judge the speed or distance of oncoming traffic. Also, their peripheral (side) vision is 1/3 less than that of adults.

Be Safe.

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