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No Bail for Cross-Country Crime Spree Suspect

Gregory Lewis
Gregory Lewis

WORCESTER, Mass. (AP) — The Massachusetts man suspected of raping a 13-year-old girl, then going on a cross-country crime spree after cutting off his court-ordered monitoring device, has been held without bail.

Gregory Lewis pleaded not guilty Monday to 17 charges connected to the alleged rape and an alleged attack on his stepfather.

He was held pending a hearing scheduled for Nov. 10 to determine whether he’s a danger to society.

His court-appointed attorney had no comment.

Authorities say the 26-year-old Lewis, of Southbridge, spent six weeks on the run after snipping off the GPS monitoring device when he was arraigned in August on charges that included statutory rape of a child.

Authorities say he committed a string of crimes in multiple states before he was captured Oct. 28 in upstate New York.

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