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In Close Vote, Utah House OKs Firing Squad Proposal

state-of-utah-sealSALT LAKE CITY (AP) — A controversial proposal that resurrects Utah’s use of firing squads to carry out executions has advanced in the state legislature by a handful of votes.

Utah’s House of Representatives initially voted 35-35 on the proposal Friday morning, but after three missing lawmakers were summoned the floor and one lawmaker switched, the measure passed 39-34.

It now faces an unclear fate in Utah’s GOP-controlled Senate, where leaders have declined to say if they’d support it.

Republican Gov. Gary Herbert has not revealed if he will sign the bill.

The bill from Republican Rep. Paul Ray would call for a firing squad if Utah cannot get lethal injection drugs 30 days before an execution.

Critics say the firing squad is a gruesome relic of Utah’s Wild West past and would bring international condemnation upon the state.

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