During the month of April 2015, sixteen persons were killed in traffic crashes on Nebraska
roadways, according to data collected by the Nebraska Department of Roads.
These 16 fatalities occurred in 13 crashes
None of the 14 vehicle occupants killed were using safety belts
None of the fatalities occurred on the interstate, five happened on non-interstate highways, and
eleven took place on local roads
Fourteen of the fatalities occurred in rural locations
Six of the fatalities were the result of single-vehicle run-off-road crashes, including five rollovers
One of the fatalities was a motorcyclist
One of the fatalities was a bicyclist
One of the fatalities resulted from a collision with a train
There were 19 fatalities in April of 2014
Fifty-two of the 64 vehicle occupants killed so far during 2015 were not using safety belts