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Benefit to Help Family of Slain Omaha Police Officer

Officer Kerrie Orozco
Officer Kerrie Orozco

OMAHA, Neb. (AP) — Colleagues and friends of a slain Omaha police officer Kerrie Orozco will hold a benefit for her family later this month.

Orozco was shot and killed on May 20 while trying to help arrest a man wanted on a felony assault warrant in another Omaha shooting. She left behind her husband, Hector, two stepchildren and newborn daughter.

On June 28, a benefit will be held at the Ralston Arena from 11 a.m. through 7 p.m. All proceeds from the benefit will go directly to the Orozco family.

Admission is free, although donations will be taken at the door. The event will feature food, live music, children’s activities, raffles and silent and live auctions. There will also be a 5K run and 3K walk.

More information can be found online at Kerrieonbenefit.com.

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