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Company to meet with people who fled pipeline leak area

anhydrous-ammoniaDECATUR, Neb. (AP) — Company officials say they’ll be meeting Wednesday with residents who fled fumes that escaped from an anhydrous ammonia pipeline in northeast Nebraska.

Authorities have said a Tekamah man checking the leak was killed by the fumes Monday night.

Magellan Midstream Partners, of Tulsa, Oklahoma, said the meeting would start at 2 p.m. at City Hall in Decatur.

Magellan says it’s making progress on repairs. Company says it wants to isolate the failed portion of the 8-inch-diamer pipeline, which will allow local roads to reopen. A decision on letting people return to their homes will be made later Wednesday.

Magellan spokesman Thomas Byers says the incident is still under investigation and didn’t say whether Magellan had determined what caused the release of the fumes.

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