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Nebraska Prep Basketball Scoreboard: 1/21/17


Ainsworth 61, Ogallala 58

Alliance 55, Wheatland 45

Arcadia-Loup City 58, Ord 56, OT

Bancroft-Rosalie/Lyons-Decatur 51, Stanton 42

Bellevue West 78, Omaha Central 49

Boyd County 66, Elkhorn Valley 44

Boys Town 80, Wayne 39

Broken Bow 45, Valentine 37

Centennial 53, Humboldt/Table Rock-Steinauer 51

Columbus 65, Bennington 57

Council Bluffs, Abraham Lincoln, Iowa 55, Omaha Northwest 46

CWC 42, Twin Loup 37

Elkhorn South 58, Omaha South 46

Elm Creek 66, Franklin 25

Fremont 48, North Platte 21

Gordon/Rushville 52, Chadron 47

Gothenburg 69, Hastings 40

Grand Island Central Catholic 57, Adams Central 51

Grand Island Northwest 49, Schuyler 35

Gretna 69, Kearney Catholic 52

Hartington Cedar Catholic 52, Guardian Angels 40

Johnson-Brock 73, Exira/Elk Horn-Kimballton, Iowa 61

Kearney 56, Lincoln East 45

Kenesaw 59, Pleasanton 45

Lincoln Christian 79, Fillmore Central 58

Logan View-Scribner-Snyder 47, West Point-Beemer 35

Mead 41, Malcolm 30

Millard North 69, Lincoln Southeast 64

Norfolk 80, Lincoln High 43

Omaha Benson 67, Omaha Westside 51

Omaha Creighton Prep 55, Millard South 53

Papillion-LaVista South 67, Omaha North 53

Pierce 55, Battle Creek 40

Platteview 60, Waverly 47

Ponca 53, Winnebago 48

Sandy Creek 74, Thayer Central 52

Scottsbluff 72, Gering 65

Shelton 64, Red Cloud 35

Sidney 54, Sterling, Colo. 48

Sterling 60, Cedar Bluffs 20

Sumner-Eddyville-Miller 70, Eustis-Farnam 29

Sutton 57, Heartland 36

York 54, Norris 46

Crossroads Conference Tournament
Cross County 65, Meridian 21

East Butler 62, Dorchester 31

Exeter/Milligan 48, High Plains Community 34

McCool Junction 54, Hampton 46

Shelby/Rising City 65, Osceola 60

Goldenrod Conference Tournament
Third Place
Palmer 51, Burwell 39

Minuteman Activities Conference Tournament
Third Place
Garden County 62, Bayard 45

Leyton 55, Creek Valley 37

Nebraska Prep Tournament
Papillion-LaVista 64, Cedar Rapids Xavier, Iowa 49

Nemaha Central Tournament
Third Place
Silver Lake, Kan. 58, Falls City 38

Panhandle Conference Tournament
Fifth Place
Hay Springs 63, Edgemont, S.D. 32

Third Place
Hemingford 45, Sioux County 18

Crawford 61, Morrill 34

Republican Plains Activity Conference Tournament
First Round
Bertrand 57, Southern Valley 42

Cambridge 53, Medicine Valley 33

Southwest 54, Arapahoe 42

Dundy County-Stratton 57, Maywood-Hayes Center 27

Wallace 60, Maxwell 49

Wauneta-Palisade 68, Hitchcock County 41

River Cities Conference Tournament
Beatrice 64, Omaha Skutt Catholic 56

South Platte Valley Association Tournament
Fifth Place
Bridgeport 48, Chase County 42, OT

Third Place
Perkins County 41, North Platte St. Patrick’s 30

Hershey 53, Kimball 46


Alliance 53, Wheatland, Wyo. 44

Amherst 52, Wilcox-Hildreth 31

Battle Creek 54, Pierce 39

Bellevue West 71, Omaha Central 37

Bennington 34, Columbus 27

Boyd County 46, Elkhorn Valley 39

Cedar Bluffs 37, Sterling 28

Centennial 49, Humboldt/Table Rock-Steinauer 36

CWC 57, Twin Loup 36

Elkhorn South 82, Omaha South 43

Elm Creek 51, Franklin 36

Fremont 65, North Platte 34

Gordon/Rushville 44, Chadron 37

Grand Island Central Catholic 58, Adams Central 46

Grand Island Northwest 58, Schuyler 30

Guardian Angels 72, Hartington Cedar Catholic 51

Hastings 50, Gothenburg 32

Heartland 57, Sutton 32

Holdrege 47, Cozad 29

Howells/Dodge 55, Pender 45

Lincoln Christian 61, Fillmore Central 31

Lincoln East 45, Kearney 25

Lincoln High 49, Norfolk 46

Lincoln Lutheran 76, Aquinas 55

Lincoln Northeast 52, Lincoln Southwest 35

Lincoln Southeast 47, Millard North 45

Malcolm 64, Mead 11

Ogallala 57, Ainsworth 43

Omaha Westside 61, Omaha Benson 45

Ord 61, Arcadia-Loup City 43

Papillion-LaVista 67, Omaha Northwest 52

Papillion-LaVista South 63, Omaha North 53

Pleasanton 44, Kenesaw 24

Red Cloud 38, Shelton 23

Sandy Creek 49, Thayer Central 27

Stanton 55, Bancroft-Rosalie/Lyons-Decatur 45

Sterling, Colo. 32, Sidney 22

Sumner-Eddyville-Miller 47, Eustis-Farnam 40

Sutherland 46, Kimball 42

Twin River 55, Wisner-Pilger 39

Valentine 40, Broken Bow 31

Wahoo 52, Raymond Central 45

Waverly 47, Platteview 40

West Point-Beemer 55, Logan View-Scribner-Snyder 32

York 57, Norris 45

Crossroads Conference Tournament
Bruning-Davenport/Shickley 65, High Plains Community 17

Cross County 46, Nebraska Lutheran 30

Dorchester 61, East Butler 38

McCool Junction 38, Osceola 27

Shelby/Rising City 39, Giltner 27

Goldenrod Conference Tournament
Third Place
Humphrey St. Francis 34, Riverside 32

Minuteman Activities Conference Tournament
Third Place
South Platte 45, Bayard 35

Potter-Dix 51, Leyton 11

Nebraska Frontier Conference Tournament
First Round
College View Academy 46, Boys Town 27

Omaha Brownell-Talbot 32, Omaha Christian Academy 30

Nebraska Frontier Conference Tournament
First Round
Whiting, Iowa 48, Parkview Christian 19

Panhandle Conference Tournament
Hemingford 65, Morrill 48

Republican Plains Activity Conference Tournament
First Round
Alma 56, Medicine Valley 29

Bertrand 41, Southwest 29

Southern Valley 79, Arapahoe 35

Hitchcock County 53, Maywood-Hayes Center 38

Wallace 59, Paxton 22

Wauneta-Palisade 43, Maxwell 41

River Cities Conference Tournament
South Sioux City 58, Beatrice 47

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