Tickets are on sale now for the fourth annual Mid-Plains Community College Rodeo Team Banquet. The event will be Feb. 4 at the Holiday Inn Express in North Platte.
It’s sponsored by the Wranglers, the official booster club of the MPCC Rodeo Team.
Money raised will be used to fund scholarships for team members and to help cover the team’s travel and general operating expenses.
The banquet will begin with a social hour and silent auction at 5:30 p.m., followed by supper and a live auction at 7 p.m. Prime rib and Rocky Mountain oysters will be served.
Dustin Elliott, MPCC Rodeo Team rough stock coach, will provide a recap of the 2016-17 rodeo season thus far and talk about the team’s goals for the future. All of the athletes will be introduced, and scholarship recipients will be recognized.
“It’s the one opportunity every year where people can come meet and visit with the athletes and learn about all their accomplishments first-hand,” said Elliott.
Items are still needed for the live and silent auctions. Those who would like to donate to the cause can do so by contacting Mary Lister at (308) 535-3718 or [email protected].
Admission to the banquet is $50 per person, or $350 for a table of eight. RSVPs are required by Jan. 27. Tickets can be purchased by contacting Lister or Carol Garrison at (308) 535-3778 or [email protected].