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Nebraska Prep Basketball Scoreboard: 1/28/17


Bellevue East 59, North Platte 53

Bellevue West 75, Lincoln Southeast 66

Bridgeport 76, Bayard 37

Brush, Colo. 89, Sidney 56

Crawford 48, Leyton 46

David City 57, Thayer Central 45, OT

Douglas, S.D. 67, Chadron 50

Elmwood-Murdock 64, Falls City 35

Grand Island 64, Omaha Northwest 56

Grand Island Northwest 46, Columbus Lakeview 43

Hemingford 67, Edgemont, S.D. 30

Hershey 66, Chase County 45

Kearney 53, Lincoln High 42

Kimball 65, North Platte St. Patrick’s 61

Lincoln Southwest 50, Omaha Benson 49

Lutheran High Northeast 67, Humphrey St. Francis 47

Millard North 71, Omaha Bryan 53

Millard South 59, Omaha Burke 52

Omaha Creighton Prep 69, Omaha Central 62

Omaha North 66, Fremont 65, 2OT

Papillion-LaVista 59, Lincoln Northeast 58

Papillion-LaVista South 55, Lincoln North Star 41

Ponca 46, Hartington Cedar Catholic 43

Potter-Dix 40, Minatare 35

Rapid City Stevens, S.D. 72, Scottsbluff 57

Southern 41, Diller-Odell 34

Centennial Conference Tournament
Bishop Neumann 79, Boys Town 54

Central Conference Tournament
Crete 45, York 43

Grand Island Northwest 46, Columbus Lakeview 43

Schuyler 44, Central City 37

Third Place
Seward 59, Holdrege 50

Aurora 53, Adams Central 43

Dakota Oyate Challenge
Fifth Place
Omaha Nation 70, Crazy Horse, S.D. 66

East Central Nebraska Conference Tournament
First Round
Freeman 63, Johnson County Central 32

Malcolm 57, Weeping Water 23

Palmyra 54, Conestoga 42

East Husker Conference Tournament
Bancroft-Rosalie/Lyons-Decatur 66, Pender 48

Humphrey/Lindsay Holy Family 64, Tekamah-Herman 22

Madison 55, Howells/Dodge 44

Oakland-Craig 62, Stanton 54

Twin River 52, Clarkson/Leigh 47

West Point-Beemer 41, Wisner-Pilger 38

Fort Kearny Conference Tournament
Elwood 72, Eustis-Farnam 57

Pleasanton 58, Axtell 42

Mid-Nebraska Activities Conference
Third Place
South Loup 62, Sandhills/Thedford 35

Twin Loup 47, Mullen 45

Mid-State Conference Tournament
Guardian Angels 62, Norfolk Catholic 38

Nebraska Capitol Conference Tournament
Third Place
Syracuse 60, Arlington 54

Wahoo 63, Platteview 59

Nebraska Frontier Conference Tournament
Fifth Place
Cedar Bluffs 43, Cornerstone Christian 28

Third Place
Omaha Brownell-Talbot 47, College View Academy 42

Parkview Christian 61, Omaha Christian Academy 29

Niobrara Valley Conference Tournament
First Round
Niobrara/Verdigre 68, Clearwater/Orchard 60

North Central 63, Elgin Public/Pope John 50

Santee 67, Ewing 34

St. Mary’s 52, Elkhorn Valley 38

West Holt 66, Stuart 33

Republican Plains Activity Conference Tournament
Third Place
Bertrand 62, Paxton 57

Dundy County-Stratton 62, Alma 37

Southwest Conference Tournament
Third Place
Ogallala 81, Cozad 59

Broken Bow 40, Gothenburg 38

Twin Valley Conference Tournament
Play In
Franklin 52, Red Cloud 20



Beatrice 43, Ralston 35

Bellevue East 42, North Platte 28

Bellevue West 65, Lincoln Southeast 56

Bridgeport 53, Bayard 37

Chadron 47, Douglas, S.D. 33

Chase County 52, Hershey 31

Crawford 45, Leyton 26

Diller-Odell 34, Southern 30

Fillmore Central 51, Doniphan-Trumbull 37

Hemingford 61, Edgemont, S.D. 10

Humphrey St. Francis 44, Lutheran High Northeast 41

Kearney 41, Lincoln High 38

Lincoln Northeast 75, Papillion-LaVista 50

Lincoln Pius X 46, Omaha Gross Catholic 27

Lincoln Southwest 47, Omaha Benson 37

Millard North 66, Omaha Bryan 29

Millard South 57, Omaha Burke 35

Morrill 68, Banner County 24

North Platte St. Patrick’s 69, Kimball 54

Omaha Marian 59, Omaha Central 40

Omaha North 60, Columbus 35

Omaha Northwest 57, Grand Island 43

Papillion-LaVista South 64, Lincoln North Star 28

Potter-Dix 60, Minatare 22

Rapid City Stevens, S.D. 83, Scottsbluff 43

Sidney 65, Brush, Colo. 41

Thayer Central 49, David City 47

Tri County 40, Lewiston 23

Capitol Conference Tournament
Third Place
Raymond Central 60, Fort Calhoun 48

Platteview 50, Wahoo 37

Centennial Conference Tournament
Lincoln Christian 73, Bishop Neumann 56

Central Conference Tournament
Adams Central 43, Schuyler 17

Central City 50, Columbus Lakeview 35

Grand Island Northwest 41, Holdrege 32

Third Place
York 42, Crete 34

Seward 50, Aurora 38

Dakota Oyate Challenge
Omaha Nation 83, Tiospa Zina Tribal, S.D. 57

East Central Nebraska Conference Tournament
Conestoga 61, Johnson County Central 28

Freeman 47, Mead 19

Yutan 54, Palmyra 18

Fort Kearny Conference Tournament
Amherst 43, Wilcox-Hildreth 32

Eustis-Farnam 36, Sumner-Eddyville-Miller 26

Lewis and Clark Conference Tournament
First Round
Bloomfield 54, Winnebago 52

Hartington-Newcastle 49, Emerson-Hubbard 36

Homer 47, Osmond 35

Plainview 43, Walthill 35

Ponca 74, Winside 39

Randolph 63, Laurel-Concord/Coleridge 60

Wakefield 38, Wausa 16

Wynot 57, Creighton 15

Mid-Nebraska Activities Conference
Sandhills/Thedford 54, Hyannis 46, OT

Third Place
Brady 53, Anselmo-Merna 37

Mid-State Conference Tournament
Boone Central/Newman Grove 42, Norfolk Catholic 33

Nebraska Frontier Conference Tournament
Cedar Bluffs 53, Omaha Brownell-Talbot 21

Niobrara Valley Conference Tournament
First Round
Boyd County 49, Niobrara/Verdigre 45

Clearwater/Orchard 47, Stuart 42

Elgin Public/Pope John 57, Neligh-Oakdale 26

Elkhorn Valley 72, Ewing 66, 2OT

West Holt 61, Santee 41

Republican Plains Activity Conference Tournament
Dundy County-Stratton 52, Cambridge 24

Southwest Conference Tournament
Third Place
Gothenburg 45, Ogallala 42

Minden 65, Cozad 32

Twin Valley Conference Tournament
Shelton 36, Silver Lake 28

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