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Lincoln to bar corrugated cardboard from city landfill

Mayor Chris Beutler
Mayor Chris Beutler

LINCOLN, Neb. (AP) — The Lincoln City Council has voted to bar corrugated cardboard from the city landfill.

The compromise approved Monday night won’t require people to pay for curbside recycling from trash haulers. Councilwoman Jayne Raybould says people can take their cardboard to any of the city’s 29 recycling sites.

Mayor Chris Beutler had wanted to ban cardboard and all paper products from the landfill, but he couldn’t rally enough council votes for his stricter measure.

The compromise plan will require trash haulers to offer curbside recycling and to report their recycling totals each year. There no penalties for individuals or businesses that don’t abide by the new restriction. But garbage haulers could be fined $100 every time they take recyclable cardboard to the landfill.

The measure takes effect in April 2018.

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