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Nebraska lawmakers approve budget bill despite opposition

ne-legislature-13LINCOLN, Neb. (AP) — A proposal to balance the state’s finances for the next five months has passed despite opposition in the Nebraska Legislature.

Senators voted 42-3 Monday to send the measure to Gov. Pete Ricketts for approval.

The budget bill would impose across-the-board cuts, make withdrawals from cash funds and take back unspent money from departments. Withdrawals would include about $2 million from the legislative council. Sen. Bon Krist of Omaha says giving up that money would lead to problems down the road with plans to replace the Capitol’s heating, ventilation and air conditioning system.

Sen. John Stinner of Gering, the Appropriations Committee chairman, says it’s not right to exempt the Legislature from cuts. Nebraska faces a projected revenue shortfall of nearly $900 million.

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