The Nebraska State Patrol (NSP), in conjunction with partners at the Nebraska Department of Transportation, continues efforts to educate youth on safe driving.
Troopers throughout Nebraska conducted 90 safety presentations from April through June, with a focus on seat belts and teen drivers. The presentations included the Rollover Simulator, Seat Belt Convincer and Driving Simulator, reaching roughly 30,000 people with the message that seat belts save lives.
Beginning in July and running through September, NSP will continue educational efforts utilizing grant funding from the Nebraska Department of Transportation Highway Safety Office (NDOT-HSO).
According to the Nebraska Strategic Highway Safety Plan, teen drivers ages 16-20 represent the highest number of unbelted fatalities. More than half of young drivers involved in a fatal crash were not wearing seat belts, with males representing 68% of young, unbelted drivers.
“We’re in the midst of the summer driving season, so continuing NSP’s education efforts throughout the state is critical,” said Major Russ Stanczyk, Acting Superintendent of the Nebraska State Patrol. “The programs run by our troopers show the importance of wearing your seat belt and encourage safe driving. That information, along with following traffic laws, could save lives.”
Those interested in scheduling a safety presentation can visit the Community Policing/Safety Programs page of the NSP website for information.