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Ricketts to release findings of Nebraska State Patrol probe

Gov. Pete Ricketts

LINCOLN, Neb. (AP) — Gov. Pete Ricketts is set to reveal more details about an investigation that led him to fire the Nebraska State Patrol’s superintendent.

Ricketts and the state’s human resources director will unveil the findings at a news conference Thursday at 2:30 p.m.

Ricketts announced in June that he had fired Col. Brad Rice and sent the investigation’s initial findings to the FBI and the U.S. attorney’s office. He declined to discuss in detail what was found.

Ricketts ordered the review after state patrol troopers were accused of changing their story about a high-speed chase that killed a South Dakota driver.

The patrol also faces a lawsuit alleging that that female recruits were forced to submit to invasive, medically unnecessary pelvic exams by a male doctor before the patrol would hire them.

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