Ever wondered how people are rescued from grain bins during an emergency situation? Mid-Plains Community College will demonstrate the procedure at the Nebraska State Fair in Grand Island this weekend.
MPCC’s portable grain bin rescue simulator will be set up from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Saturday and Sunday just west of the Nebraska Building at Fonner Park.
Tim Zehnder, MPCC Fire Science director, said it’s important for first responders to know about the different types and mechanics of bins and the dangers associated with specific designs.
Understanding what kind of ropes, rigging and equipment to use, how to build a barricade around the victim and how to maintain proper air quality are also key factors in conducting a safe and successful recovery.
The public is welcome to watch the 20-30 minute demonstrations and learn more about the grain bin rescue training that MPCC offers.
More information about MPCC’s Fire Science program can be found at