Hazardous Device Technicians with the Nebraska State Patrol (NSP) Bomb Squad have disposed of a live grenade in Snyder, Nebraska.
The grenade was found Wednesday, January 3, in a truck which had recently been purchased from the family of a deceased individual. While the new owner was cleaning out the truck, he discovered the grenade in the back seat and alerted authorities with the Dodge County Sheriff’s Office.
After securing the scene, the Sheriff’s Office called-in the NSP Bomb Squad to dispose of the device. NSP Hazardous Device Technicians determined that grenade was live. They safely removed it from the vehicle and used counter charges to destroy it in an empty field.
“This is a great reminder for anyone who comes across anything resembling a grenade or an explosive device to call 911,” said Lt. Jim DeFreece, NSP Hazardous Device Coordinator. “We’ve had people find them when cleaning out storage areas, garages, or in this case a vehicle. The safest thing to do is to avoid touching the device and call the authorities.”
NSP would like to thank the Dodge County Sheriff’s Office for their assistance in this operation.