OMAHA, Neb. (AP) — Community college students in Omaha are building a house inside a building so faculty can conveniently observe the work and everyone can avoid the winter chill.
The house will be built inside Metropolitan Community College’s new Construction Education Center on the Fort Omaha campus.
“When it’s negative 2 out, we can still work on it,” said Nathan Barry, dean of career and technical education at Metro.
More than 100 students will work on the project over the duration of the school year. Students from welding, civil engineering, architecture, construction technology, heating-ventilation-air conditioning, electrical and plumbing programs will work on the house. High school students from Metro’s Career Academy will also participate in the project.
The ranch house will have three bedrooms and two baths, said Metro President Randy Schmailzl. The project isn’t just a practice run, but it will actually be someone’s home, he said.
“That’s meaningful education,” Schmailzl said.
The house will be transported out of the building in three sections on a flat-bed truck in late spring or summer, he said. It will be assembled at a vacant lot, where a garage and finishing touches will be added.
The house will then be sold and the Bridge Foundation will fund a similar project with the money. The house will likely be valued at around $150,000, Barry said.
The newly formed organization hopes to facilitate workforce development and redevelopment in northeast Omaha, said Jim Dennell, president of the Bridge Foundation and BCDM Architects.
“I think the social and economic impact will be huge,” Dennell said.