LINCOLN, Neb. (AP) — Pheasants Forever and the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission are hosting training workshops across the state on prescribed burns.
Workshops on the basic material will be held Jan. 17 in Grand Island and Wayne, Jan. 23 in Alma, Jan. 24 in Lincoln, Jan. 28 in Rushville, Jan. 29 in Scottsbluff and Feb. 28 in Sumner.
Advanced topics will be covered at workshops that will be held Jan. 9 in Broken Bow, Jan. 10 in Curtis, Jan. 16 in Stockville, Jan. 23 in Niobrara and Jan. 30 in Imperial.
Most of the workshops are scheduled to run 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. The $10 workshop fee includes a meal and training materials.
To register, go online at and click on Events, or call 308-850-8395.