As part of National EMS week, Great Plains Health hosted an educational symposium for regional emergency responders. The event was co-sponsored by LifeNet and featured an awards ceremony in which area EMS departments and individuals were recognized for going “beyond the call.”
All honorees were nominated by their peers, medical directors or EMS captains as going above and beyond the call in this past year. Great Plains Health Emergency Department Medical Director, James Smith, MD and Co-Medical Director Renee Engler, MD presented the awards to departments, including Frontier County Ambulance Service, Arnold Volunteer Fire Department, Priority Medical Transport Providers and McCook Fire Department. In addition, awards were presented to TJ Williams and Trev Kleinow from North Platte; Michael Schoenemann, Tyler Neff and Don Lannigan from McCook; Tammy Weinman, Heather Hagler, Cassie Delosh, Renee Summers and Eric Nelson from Arnold; and Kellie Benzel, Stephen Benzel, Sidney Bierfreund, Pat Liakos, Ruth Soukup and Misty Reitz from Frontier County.
Karie Sheets, Great Plains Health trauma coordinator thanked the 80+ emergency responders in attendance, saying, “Each one of you is worthy of receiving recognition for the exceptional service you provide to our communities every day.”
Following the awards, Dennis Edgerly, MEd, EMT-P presented trauma and cardiac case studies for continuing education credits for those in attendance.