(LINCOLN, NEB.) — Troopers with the Nebraska State Patrol (NSP) took 16 impaired drivers off the road during special enforcement operations over the July 4th holiday.
The effort, which ran from July 3-5, placed an emphasis on taking drunk drivers off the road. Troopers worked to reduce the potential for serious injury or fatality crashes in several counties identified as priority counties by the Nebraska Department of Transportation – Highway Safety Office (NDOT-HSO).
In addition to the 16 arrests for drunk or drugged driving, troopers also issued citations for speeding (432), open container (6), minor in possession (6), driving under suspensions (19), no proof of insurance (15), no seat belt (39), and improper child restraint (9). Troopers also responded to 154 calls for assistance from motorists on Nebraska roads.
This effort, which included saturation patrols and vehicle checks, was made possible thanks in part to a grant for $12,000 from NDOT-HSO.