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Lincoln Police: 9 officers assaulted in last 3 weeks

According to a recent Facebook post, Lincoln police say nine of their officers have been assaulted in the last three weeks.

Below is the content of the Facebook post describing each incident, along with the original post. Respect the men and women in blue!

B8-096271 –On October 14, shortly before 3 am, a 19-year-old man called dispatch to report an intoxicated person was causing a disturbance at his home. 25-year-old James Ford III was contacted and the officer offered him a ride to help deescalate the situation. Ford refused the ride and continued to cause a disturbance outside the home near 40th and Baldwin. Ford’s bac tested at 0.282 and he was taken into custody to be transported to the Bridge (detox). He began to struggle with the officers. As the officer struggled to handcuff Ford, he spat on the officers face. Ford was eventually handcuffed and arrested for assault on an officer with a bodily fluid.

B8-095940 – On October 13, at 1 am, officers responded to a hotel near 11th and Belmont Ave on report of a disturbance. Officers knocked on the hotel room door and 46-year-old Zachariah Almond answered the door wearing a torn and bloody shirt and officers could see an unresponsive female lying face down on the floor. There was a broken lamp, broken furniture and alcohol containers thrown about. Officers went to check on the female, later identified as, 46-year-old Merri Rederth, and found her eyes were swollen and her mouth was bleeding. Officers tried to assist Rederth to her feet and she began hitting and kicking the officers. Rederth hit one officer in the chest and spat blood on a Sergeant’s face. Rederth was arrested for assaulting two police officers.

B8-096220 –On October 13, shortly after 11 pm, PBA security called LPD regarding a disturbance. A Red Cross volunteer was providing medical attention to a man when 40-year-old Sean Binnick began to interfere. Binnick jumped on the volunteers back as he was attempting to render aid. Security staff pulled Binnick from the scene and held him until LPD arrived. The Sergeant spoke to Binnick and attempted to calm him down but he was intoxicated. Binnick then began punching the sergeant several times. Binnick was arrested for 3rd degree assault on an officer.

B8-095781 –On October 12, shortly after 4 pm, officers responded to a reports of an intoxicated man yelling at the sky and punching himself. Witnesses tried to talk to the man but grew scared because they said it appeared the man “wanted to fight”. The officer arrived and stepped in between the witnesses and the man, later identified as 36-year-old Laurance Dollison. Dollison was observed punching himself in the face. When Dollison saw the officer, he stood up and told the officer he was going to assault him (in less kind words). Dollison threw a duffel bag at the officer. The officer asked for more units to respond as it appeared Dollison was going to attack him. The officer drew his taser and directed Dollison to get on the ground. Dollison eventually complied and was handcuffed. Dollison then began to use his body weight to resist officers and he spat on the officers face. Dollison was arrested for assault on an officer with bodily fluid.

B8-093842 – On October 6, shortly before 4:30 pm, an officer responded to Super Saver on report of a shoplifter in custody. The officer cited 37-year-old Michelle Alfaro for theft. Alfaro intentionally rammed her cart into the officer causing it to hit his knee. Alfaro was arrested for 3rd degree assault on a police officer.

B8-092958 – 3 Officers were assaulted, one sustained a head and back injury. On October 3, at 11:33 pm, officers responded to reports of a man in the drive thru at McDonald’s 345 West O, drinking alcohol. Officers spotted the vehicle and initiated a traffic stop near 9th and Rosa Parks for multiple traffic violations including no headlights and an improper turn. The driver was identified as 35-year-old Dennis Brewer and show signs of impairment. Brewer was a parole absconder and had a warrant. The officer asked Brewer to step out of the vehicle to conduct a DUI investigation. Brewer became uncooperative and tried to walk away from the officer. Brewer pulled his arms away from the officer and they began to struggle. A second officer arrived on scene and they continued to take Brewer into custody. Brewer was given multiple commands to stop fighting and told he was under arrest but he continued to fight. Brewer reached his hand into his waistband as the officers struggled with him. The officers feared Brewer may be reaching for a weapon. While both officers were on Brewers back, he was able to get to his knee and threw one officer over his head. The officer landed on his head and he began to bleed. Another officer arrived on scene and this struggled continued for approximately 3 minutes until they were able to handcuff Brewer. Brewer was arrested for 3rd degree assault on an officer, felony resist arrest because of a prior conviction, possession of a controlled substance, no headlights after dark, improper turn, no insurance, open alcohol container, and possession of marijuana.

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