A free will donation drive is being set up for the Firefighters and residents affected by northern Nebraska Niobrara Fire. The donation site is in North PLatte at the Harvest Christian Fellowship Northwest Campus 2607 Rodeo Rd
Thursday and Friday from 4:00pm to 7:30 pm and Saturday from 11:00am to 3:00pm.
Items Needed: Lunchmeats, Water, Gatorade, Bread, Individually Wrapped Snacks, Paper Towels, Napkins, Brown Paper Sack Lunch Bags, Plastic Silverware, Financial Gifts.
The Red Cross is Shuttling Items rto the Burned Areas, Please Help Us Help Our Neighbors and Pray for Nebraska.
For More Information Please Call Kim Daro at 308-520-7449 or Jean Dishman 308-530-8925