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Former Lt. Governor Sheehy Fined $1,000 for Improper Phone Use

Rick-Sheehy(AP) — Former Lt. Gov. Rick Sheehy has agreed to pay a $1,000 fine for improper use of a state cellphone as part of a settlement with the Nebraska Accountability and Disclosure Commission.

Commission members voted 8-0 to impose the civil penalty after ruling that Sheehy had used the phone for purposes other than state business. Sheehy’s attorney said Monday that the ruling came late last week.

Sheehy, a Republican, has already reimbursed the state $500 for thousands of calls he had with four women other than his wife on the phone. He resigned in February and bowed out of the 2014 governor’s race after the calls came to light.

Sheehy’s former wife filed for divorce in 2012, and the divorce became final April 30.

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