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Same-Sex Marriage Backers Consider New Push in Nebraska

supreme-court-same-sex-marriage(AP) — Supporters of same-sex marriage in Nebraska are looking at new possible challenges to a state constitutional amendment that defines marriage as the union of one man and one woman.

The U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling on Wednesday had no direct impact on Nebraska’s amendment, which voters approved with 70 percent support in 2000. But same-sex marriage supporters say they may push to repeal it.

Shelley Kiel, president of the Omaha-based Citizens for Equal Protection, says the court’s decision to strike down the federal Defense of Marriage Act coincides with a growing acceptance of equal rights for gay and lesbian couples.

Dave Bydalek, executive director of the Lincoln-based Family First, says the nation’s views may have shifted on gay marriage, but he still believes most Nebraskans want to preserve traditional, heterosexual marriages.

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