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Prarie Arts Center


The Prairie Arts center is starting off the year with several art classes. Two short painting classes will be offered by the Center and one ceramic class will be offered by Mid-Plains Community College. These classes will be conducted at the Prairie Arts Center.

The first of many one-session classes will launch Thursday January 30th for adults. These one-session classes are for first time painters who want to see what art painting is about and enjoy the fun of creativity. You will create your own painting under the instruction of Sue Condon. The theme for the class is Valentine’s Day. The class starts at 7:00pm and ends at 9:00pm. This particular class is already full, however, more similar classes are coming soon.

Children, grades K-6, will also be offered a one-session-class with a Valentine theme on February 9th from 2-4:30 pm. This class will be taught by Kathy Wiede. There is a limit of 12 children for this class. The class cost is $30 for non-CUAC members and $25.00 for CUAC members. All of the one-session classes include all the necessary supplies (canvas, paint, brushes, etc.) We would ask you to provide your own smock or wear old clothes.

To sign up for this class or for more information contact: Danielle Nichols at 308 520-2274.

Mid-Plains Community College will be offering a SOUP BOWL class. This class will be for 1 credit hour to be held on all Saturdays in February starting February 1 running from 9:00am to 12:45pm. Your soup bowl creations will be hand built and wheel thrown. The glazed bowls will be available at the “Soup Supper” and silent auction in March. The instructor is Dik Haneline. For more information call Mid-Plains at 308 535 3736.Come have fun and expand your creativity at the Prairie Arts Center-Studio Level, 5th and Jeffers St. North Platte.

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