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Ernie Chambers Sings to Colleagues During Debate

ernie-chambers(AP) — For Omaha Sen. Ernie Chambers, a bill about abandoned cemeteries was a perfect time to serenade the Nebraska Legislature in song.

Chambers sang his “Morticians’ National Anthem” Monday to his colleagues.

A few lawmakers chuckled but most sat silently as Chambers sang to the tune of “My Favorite Things.”

“Churches and eulogies, pallbearers, mourners, weeping and wailing in all the church corners,” he sang.

Lyrics also included, “When the last dirt tops the casket and the grave is filled, we shall not gather again in this way, until someone else is chilled.”

Chambers often reads poetry in the chamber, but he rarely sings. He did, however, sing the mortician anthem at least once before, in 2005.

The bill deals with transferring authority of an abandoned cemetery from counties to cemetery associations.

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