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NSP Participated in ‘Drive to Save Lives’ Campaign

state-patrolThe Nebraska State Patrol joined law enforcement agencies from across the United States on Thursday, March 20, to pledge support for a national effort to save lives by lowering the number of traffic deaths on our nation’s roadways by 15% in 2014.

Command members of the Nebraska State Patrol, along with their law enforcement counterparts from more than 40 states, participated in a news conference for the “Drive to Save Lives” campaign kick-off. The event in New Orleans, La., was held in conjunction with the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) mid-year conference.

“This campaign shines the national spotlight on the devastating and often preventable effects of serious injury and fatality crashes,” said Colonel David Sankey, Superintendent of the Nebraska State Patrol. “Our troopers will join their counterparts across the United States to engage motorists in this effort, through education and special enforcement activities designed to encourage voluntary compliance with all traffic safety laws.”

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), highway fatalities rank as one of the top 12 causes of death in the United States and are the leading cause of deaths among teens. More than 33,000 people are killed each year on our nation’s roadways.

In 2013, Nebraska recorded 207 roadway fatalities.  To date in 2014, 41 people have died on Nebraska roads, a nine-percent reduction when compared to the same period in 2013.

Colonel Sankey said, “We are headed in the right direction and encourage everyone to do their part as we drive to save lives.

The Patrol encourages all motorists to do their part in keeping our roadways safe by obeying the posted speed, never driving impaired or distracted and always buckling up

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