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Southeast Neb. Grain Elevator Worker Killed

tecumseh-nebraska(AP) — A grain elevator worker in southeast Nebraska has died in an anhydrous ammonia explosion that injured another worker.

Johnson County Attorney Julie Smith says in a news release that the 63-year-old worker died Thursday night after the explosion at Midwest Farmers Cooperative in Tecumseh.

Smith says the Johnson County Sheriff’s Office received a 911 call about the explosion around 6 p.m. Thursday. Rescue crews took two workers to a local hospital, where one of then later died. Officials did not release the names of the men.

Two others, including a sheriff’s deputy, were treated for non-life threatening injuries or exposure to anhydrous ammonia.

Anhydrous ammonia is used by farmers as fertilizer. The colorless gas can burn the eyes, throat and damage lung tissue at high exposures.


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