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Neb. Dog Dials 911 on Owner’s Smartphone

sarpy-co.-sheriff(AP) — When Sarpy County emergency dispatchers picked up a recent call, all they heard were the sounds of breathing and scratching.

Dispatchers were worried — until they learned the noises were coming from a dog that dialed 911.

Sarpy County 911 Assistant Director Marilyn Gable said it’s the first time a dog has called the emergency center.

The dog’s owner, Melissa Acosta, says she thought her 2-pound Japanese Chin, Sophie, was trying to curl up next to her on the couch, then realized Sophie was scratching at Acosta’s smartphone with her paw.

Then Acosta heard a voice from the phone asking for an “address of the emergency.”

Acosta says the whole thing is “a little embarrassing.” Sophie, of course, had no comment.

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