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NSP to Focus on Impaired Drivers in Western Nebraska

NSPIn its continuing effort to “Drive To Save Lives” the Nebraska State Patrol Troop E Headquarters- Scottsbluff will hold a series of special enforcement efforts focused on keeping impaired drivers off Nebraska roadways.

Beginning in April and continuing through June, troopers in conjunction with the Scotts Bluff County Sheriff’s Office will conduct nighttime vehicle checks and high visibility patrols in and around Scotts Bluff County.

“Last year in Scotts Bluff County we lost five lives to crashes involving alcohol,” said Captain Mike Gaudreault, Troop E Commander. “One life lost is one too many. Through this effort, we’ll have additional troopers on the road during times when impaired driving is more prevalent.”

A $14,250 grant from the Nebraska Office of Highway Safety will help to pay for overtime hours during the special enforcement.

Captain Gaudreault said, “Roadway safety is a shared responsibility. You make the difference, never drive impaired and always wear your seat belt.”

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