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‘Coin Collect’ Contest to Raise Funds for Bridge of Hope

bridge-of-hopeWhile child abusers doesn’t pay attention to the calendar, April is recognized as National Child Abuse Prevention Month.

To usher the month of awareness out, officials at the Bridge of Hope Child Advocacy Center are conducting the second Coin Collect contest.

The event, which will be held April 30th from 3:30-5:30 at the Platte River Mall, will give participants of all ages an opportunity to win prizes while supporting the services provide by Bridge of Hope.

Organizers say participants can pay as little as $1 for a chance to choose a coin, and can purchase as money coins as they choose.  The coins collected are then redeemed for prizes.

Coins can be purchase for $1 each, or 12 for $10.  Participants who purchase 12 coins will be entered into the grand prize drawing.

For more information, visit the Bridge of Hope website, check out their Facebook page or cal 308-534-4064.

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