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Judge Again Rejects Deal in NFL Concussion Cases

nfl_logo2011-medPHILADELPHIA (AP) — A federal judge in Philadelphia has again declined to approve deals for some of the retired players suing the NFL over concussions.

U.S. District Judge Anita Brody’s preliminary ruling Wednesday affects a batch of lawsuits involving lead plaintiff Kevin Turner, a former Philadelphia Eagle now battling Lou Gehrig’s disease.

Brody had issued a similar ruling in January in the lead case in the matter, which could ultimately cover up to 20,000 retired players.

The judge has asked lawyers for more details to support claims the proposed $765 million fund would last for 65 years. Young players with severe brain injuries would get up to $5 million under the deal, though most players would get far less.

Brody is expected to conduct hearings in the case later this year.

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