Students from McCook Community College recently attended the Phi Beta Lambda State Leadership Conference, and came home with a plethora of awards.
The conference was held in Kearney April 10-12.
Students participated from 13 local Phi Beta Lambda chapters across the state of Nebraska, and the McCook Community College Epsilon Alpha Pi Chapter came away with the following awards listed in order by place:
First Place Events/Winners
Desktop Publishing Veronica Waddell
Website Design Team of Veronica Waddell & Ashley Noltensmeier
Management Concepts Grant Moore
Second Place Events/Winners
Desktop Publishing Ashley Noltensmeier & Grant Moore
Fifth Place Events/Winners
Entrepreneurship Concepts Veronica Waddell
Marketing Concepts Grant Moore
Sixth Place Events/Winners
Retail Management Janelle Davis
Eighth Place Events/Winners
Business Communication Brooke Hoffman
Other students participating included: Brittany Sutton, Kendall Lienemann, and Kyla Epley.
WHO’S WHO IN NEBRASKA PBL: Ashley Noltensmeier was named this year’s recipient because of her development of the Facebook MCC PBL Page.
BUSINESS PERSON OF THE YEAR: Ryan Davis, Davis Tree Service
Career and Membership Achievement Program Winners: Ashley Noltensmeier received the Director Level and Veronica Waddell achieved the Executive Level.
First and Second Place Winners are eligible to compete in the National Phi Beta Lambda Leadership Conference to be held in June in San Antonio, Texas. Since students may only compete in two events, sometimes lower places also earn the right to represent Nebraska at this conference.