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Kansas Horse with Equine Herpes Virus Euthanized

Equine Herpes Virus
Equine Herpes Virus

(AP) — A horse in northeast Kansas has tested positive for equine herpes virus after participating in a barrel racing event in Nebraska.

Kansas Animal Health Commissioner Bill Brown said Tuesday the horse was euthanized and samples were sent to a laboratory, where tests showed lesions consistent with EHV-1. Additional testing in Kentucky confirmed the horse had the virus.

The horse participated in a competition in Lincoln, Neb., in mid-April. A few days later a Wisconsin horse also was confirmed with the virus and euthanized.

The virus is easily spread by airborne transmission, horse-to-horse contact and contact with nasal secretions on equipment, tack, feed and other surfaces.

Kansas agriculture officials are not imposing any restrictions on equine events but encourage horse owners to take precautionary measures.

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